Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clash of the Easter Smith

Friday night was Clash of the Titans with Carl, Mikey, Joey, Mark, Mary S., Hilary and Mike. Carl and I ended up having to hold seats for 8 which went surprisingly well, until we only had 2 seats left. Hilary and Mike ended up having to go home because Mike forgot a very important item at the house and Hilary has mini panic attack if she doesn't have this item when she needs it. At this point a very angry mother, with her wheelchair-bound son, approaches me to let me know I'm in handicapped seating and we need to move. Keep in mind that we were in a row that was 12 seats long and with no handicapped insignia in sight. She becomes very threatening and announces that she will be going to ask an employee to help seat her. End of the story she was angry and we kept our seats. **Disclaimer** There was a handicapped section that she would have been more than able to sit in she just claimed to be trying to save seats for "a family" the number of which she had no clue.  The move itself was decent. The graphics were better than the original obviously. But somehow I felt that Perseus riding the awkwardly running/flying claymation Pegasus through the air was a tad more heroic. Overall though, it was a good movie. I suggest it. Especially if you haven't seen the original and therefore have no reference for what it used to look like. The after-movie events were undeniably amazing. We all went out for shakes and such at In and Out and then back to Hilary's. Mary, Hilary, Carl and I played scattegories for 4 hours, with Mark and Mike joining in towards the end. I didn't end up getting home until 5:30 the next morning but it was definitely worth it.

This year I was unable to go home for Easter as I had work on Saturday and I loathe turnaround trips. From what I'm told I missed my sisters' matching Easter dresses, amazing prime rib and my uncle/father screaming "TV!!!". I was bummed I wasn't able to go home so I decided to make my own Easter. I ran down to the store and picked up eggs and cheesecake ingredients and then spent the next 6 hours making deviled eggs and easter eggs. Why six hours you ask? Because hard boiled eggs have to cool completely before you can peel them.. a fact that seemed better in theory than in action. It took forever.

These are my glorious eggs both deviled and eastered. I ended up dying them with food coloring mixed with vinegar and water instead of the normal egg dye. They turned out rather nifty with the exception of the purple(which looks black above) and the dusty rose(which looks brown above). I also made cheesecake which I have yet to eat but I'm assuming it will be delicious mostly since I will be bathing it in Maraschino cherries.

This Saturday at 7:30pm I will have the honor of sitting in front of this immortal genius:

Words cannot describe how excited I am about this. If you haven't seen any of his movies I suggest you do. Mallrats is my personal favorite but you may also enjoy Clerks. I expect next week's blog to be full of amazing stories from this wonderful tub of lard.

Well I suppose I should get back to baking. The roomie and I are making brownie cookie bars and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies...ok ok she's making the cookies but I helped mix everything together.

byeder byes