Monday, April 30, 2012

Well finals are finally coming to a close. This really has been quite the semester. Let's start from the beginning.

For those of you that don't know, I was accepted into the Eller College of Management. I am especially proud of this accomplishment as I was originally told that there was a 95% chance that they would deny my application.

This semester in Eller has had it's ups and down. It was a little harder than I thought it was going to be. Quite frankly I think it was a little harder than it needed to be. I think they overly challenge you so you feel like you're in some elite club of people, I'm not quite so sure. I had a kid in my Marketing class walk in late only to be challenged by the Professor regarding his tardiness. His response? "I got lost on the way from the Union". Yeah. Not exactly geniuses. There was also much more teamwork than I bargained for. Not that I'm against teams. you can get a lot done, a lot faster when you're working with others. I'm just normally not a fan. This semester's teamwork went remarkably well though. So well in fact, that we ended up placing second place in the case competition. Another proud accomplishment. I also found a new friend! Her name is Polly Pocket. Well I guess her legal name is just Polly, but screw legalities. She also happens to be in my accounting class so we've spent WAY too much time together studying for tests and working together on projects. She's silly and kind and smart. We work beautifully together. I really hope she gets that A she's been working so hard for. There's a ton of other events and comments from this semester but I'll save your poor little eyes from having to read through that much rambling.

So as the semester winds down I have 3 exams to go. One in 4 hours, another in 2 days, and the last on Friday. I'm a little bit nervous about each but I'm trying to remember that I need to relax and take them as they come. I was actually smart enough to plan ahead and study a little bit as I go as opposed to just trying to slam it all into my brain the day before...well for accounting anyway. For management today I won't have studied expect for the full hour before the exam, oops. For marketing, I'll be studying the night before so there's a slight improvement. I guess.

Oh and Miss Kahle. We made it through the semester without her having to go to the emergency room  because of our dreaded adversary, gltuen. So that's a major step forward from Fall 2011. She's trucking along through school and work like the rest of us, so yay. We celebrated April 20th too. No, not like that. It was her Celiac Birthday. Basically the one year anniversary of her being diagnosed with an awful disease that prevents her from consuming anything that contains, or has touched, gluten. It's been a rough year but we've worked hard the last few months at getting her eating back on track so she can still enjoy the things she loves without dying. We got all dolled up and went to P.F. Changs, followed by the movies. It was a blast and I can't wait to see where we can go eat next year. Without further ado, one of the first pictures of us together, even though we spend tons of time together...we should probably work on that.


I think that's enough for now. Just know that I am super excited for this summer and the ability to relax for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. You have made it to a very large stepping stone. Over the past almost 2 years, all I have seen in you is a very hard working person with one thing in mind and you are one step closer to that vision.. I'm very happy for you... Keep your head up (like you always tell me) and you'll do great. :-)
